
Wednesday, December 17, 2014


    December 16th has come and gone.  Now for the exciting news.  We have a winner of the Book Cover Reveal Contest!!!   YAY!!!!  Drum roll please........Samantha Denton!  She will have the privilege of checking out my book cover ONE WHOLE DAY before anyone else does!

     I am hoping to get the cover completed within the next month or so.  The design is complete, just waiting on me to finish editing so the designer will have the other details to complete the cover.  Ugghhh, that word again...edit! 
     So subscribe to this website and like my FaceBook page if you haven't already.  That way you can stay updated on the progress!

Friday, December 12, 2014

Freestyle Friday!

 Freestyle Friday!


  So I have this idea...  On FaceBook, people do Throwback Thursday, right?  I'd like to start Freestyle Friday.  Here's how it works: I'll choose a sentence, group of sentences or picture and write a short story based on what I've chosen.  It will be a few paragraphs or less each time. 
     Here's where you come in.  If you are a writer, a wanna-be writer or just want to try something fun, you can make your own short story up based on the sentence(s) or picture and post it in the comments.  OR if you want to continue with my story, that's completely fine too. 
     Either way, let's have some fun and get the weekend started!

Today, let's start with this picture!  (I choose random pictures on the internet, mainly through Pinterest)

It was exactly 10 years ago on this very day, her life changed in an instant.  Just looking at the house made her flinch.  The beauty it once was, hid behind the vines and dirt covering.  But somehow, on that day, the beauty turned to ashes before her eyes.  How could life continue to move on after what happened?

Abigail hesitantly stepped closer to the abandoned house.  Many of her childhood years were spent roaming the halls and exploring the hidden passages.  Her grandparents invited her family to stay with them every holiday, summer and long weekend.  Along with her cousins family.  Until that day.

Her cousin, Jeremiah, was only one year older than her but he thought it was more like ten years.  He treated her like his child instead of his cousin.  Always telling her and her little brother what to do.  He thought he was so brave, doing stupid things like jumping from the second story window to the ground.  He said it was to show how strong he was compared to them.

He wasn't strong that day.  His real age shone through his fear.  Nine years old was too young to endure the pain.  It was considered an accident but for the last ten years, Abigail questioned if it was planned.        

Ok readers, should I continue or do you want to have the honors?   

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Editing....The "work" side of being an author!!

The creative part is done....Now the work begins!

Whoever said writing was easy was right (to me, anyway~wink~).  But the editing part and everything else that goes along with that's where it gets hairy!   
Sitting for hours in front of a computer screen, checking if every word is spelled corektly  correctly.  A word is used properly and a phrase isn't overused....bleh!!  "But I wanted to do it myself" I said, determined!  Yeah, that was before I realized how much of a headache it was going to be.  Literally!!!  I had a headache all day yesterday!  3 cups of a coffee, a coke, and an energy drink didn't even help! 
I must press towards the mark, keep on keeping on, finish what I have started, so on and so on.  With those mantras running through my head (and me chanting to myself every now and then "you can do it!"), the editing won't do me in, leaving me whimpering on the floor!
So I say all that to say, Editing is for the birds!  I'm so ready to get back to the part I love... writing!!  Because my characters are fighting to get out of my imagination and go on to the sequel of their story.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Book Cover Reveal CONTEST!!!!

   To boost website subscribers, I am doing a contest.  For those who subscribe to this website between now and 11:59 Central Time on the 16th of December, I will randomly choose one person to reveal my cover to one whole day before I reveal it on my website and FaceBook page!!  (as for when that will be, not yet decided).
    I don't know about you, but I am so excited to have my cover ready and up for you (and me) to enjoy! It's been a long road to get to this point and I know it will be an even longer road to get the final book completed.  But, the wait will be worth it.  The tedious editing will be worth it!  The long nights and days of writing to get the finish product exactly the way it needs to be...will be worth it!
   Tell everyone you know to subscribe to this website.  I'd love to have over 50 subscribers before the book is published.  Help me to make it happen!  I know you can ;-).

Added 12-3-14
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