
Friday, January 30, 2015

CONNECTIONS-Ready for purchase NOW!

Connections-Ready for purchasing!

     I'm so happy, I just cannot contain myself.  My first book has been uploaded and is now ready for purchase on Amazon.  I thought it would take a little while for Amazon to process it.   I revealed the cover to the contest winner-Samantha Denton just this morning.  So it wasn't supposed to be revealed to everyone till tomorrow.  But....  She was very gracious about it and didn't mind at all that it was already out there for everyone to see. 
     It is ready NOW!!  You just have to click on the blue link under the cover I've shown below.  If you don't have a kindle, all you have to do is download the kindle app on your phone or tablet, then go purchase the book.  It should automatically download to your device.

     I first thought about what I wanted on the cover while writing the story.  My designer-Amygdala Book Cover Designs-did an amazing job, don't you think?

     Once you buy the book and read it, please go back to amazon and write a review (be nice :-)  ).  The more reviews (good ones, obviously), the better it looks for prospective buyers. 
     And tell all your friends, your family, your niece in college, EVERYONE!!!  I'm counting on my supporters to help me get the word out.  The saying that the best marketing is word of mouth is so true!

     Needless to say, my excitement for this milestone of the self-publishing journey is overflowing!!!  ~Happy Dance, Happy Dance~

Friday, January 2, 2015

Freestyle Friday! Happy New Year!

Freestyle Friday!


     It’s that time again, Friday.  The very first Friday of 2015 actually.  Let's start the New Year with a fresh slate, a blank page for new beginnings. 
     So to get creative juices flowing, we are doing a New Year Freestyle Friday.  If you are new to Freestyle Fridays, I start with either a picture, sentence or group of sentences, then continue with the beginnings of a story.  This is where you come in and either continue with my story or begin one of your own.  You don’t have to be a writer to do this, just someone who wants to have some creative fun!   


     This is not how I wanted to start the New Year.  Sitting alone, in a hotel room, starving… with a gun in my hand.


My Story

      I told him I couldn’t do it.  Just causing anyone to hurt was against my nature.  Why did it come down to this?  Did he really think I could get past the inevitable consequences of my actions?  What would my parents think?  Of course, they would never know, since they were hundreds of miles away.  But that didn’t stop me from caring about their reaction.
     I just didn’t understand why it had to come to this?
Ok, my peeps.  Take it from there, or start a new one.  Don’t be shy, I’d love to hear from you!