
Monday, February 23, 2015



     Is everyone ready for a contest??  I ordered some printed copies of my debut novel-Connections.  So the prize will be... drum roll please... a signed copy of Connections!  Ahhhhh! Yay!  Amazing!!  Sorry got carried away :-)
     I would like to get more subscribers to my website, more likes on my FB page and an increase in sells on Amazon.  Contest will end on March 31st, 2015. 
Here are the rules of the contest:
     1.) For every person you recommend who likes my FaceBook page, your name will be counted once.
     2.) For every person you recommend who subscribes to my website, your name will be counted TWICE!
     3.)  For every person you recommend who purchases my book AND writes a review on Amazon or Goodreads with their name in the review somewhere, your name will be counted FOUR TIMES!!!  (please remember the contest ends March 31st, so the review must be on Amazon or Goodreads BEFORE that date)  (Note-a review is the only way to track names of people you recommend)
     4.) The people you recommend MUST like my FaceBook page, Subscribe to my website or purchase my book with a review written with their name somewhere in the review BEFORE the end of March 31st!
     5.) In order to track who you recommend, you must contact me with the persons name BEFORE they subscribe, like or purchase, so I can track it on my website, FaceBook Page or the reviews posted on Amazon/Goodreads.  You can contact me via email, PM on my FaceBook page or through the contact form on this website.
     6.)  Remember, your name will only be counted like I stated in the above IF I can track the person you recommend.  So if you send me a name that does not do any of the above actions, then I cannot count your name for that person.  Sorry!
     On April 1st, I will randomly choose a person to win a signed copy of Connections!  The winner will be announced here on my website and on FaceBook!
     So the more people you recommend who either subscribe to my website, like my FaceBook page, and/or purchases my book and writes a review, the more times your name will be added in the drawing.
If you have any questions, reply with a comment to this post or contact me via any of the ways I stated in rule 5.
The link to my FaceBook Page:
The Link to purchase Connections on Amazon:

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Music Playlist for Connections

Music Playlist for Connections

     So let's do something fun!  So many authors have playlists that reminds them of their story's.  If the story was turned into a movie, what would be on the soundtrack kind of playlist. 
     I am really at a loss for songs that I could add to the playlist.  I'd really like to include a playlist of about 10-12 songs here on my website. 
     So this is where you come in.  For those who have read the book Connections, what songs would fit to the story line?  Comment below with a few.  Then I can compile what I think would fit and add the playlist on this website.  Please no songs with bad language :-)   Do have fun with it.  Let's see how many we can get.