
Meet the Characters

Would you like to meet the characters of my books?  Every so often, I will add a character to this page for you to meet.  Get to know them a little before or even after you read the books.  
I know you will love them as much as I do!  




   You asked and I am delivering.  The first character interview will be with Briana "Ana" Daniels.  The main character of Connections.
 ME:    Today, I am conducting an interview with Briana Daniels.
ANA:    Please, call me Ana.
ME:     Of course.  First, lets start off with a little introduction of who Ana Daniels is.  She is 18 years old and the twin sister of Brian.  She grew up in Willow Springs, GA and is now attending college in Athens, GA.  So to expand on that, Ana I would like to ask you a few questions.  And if you are fine with it, one of them being a very personal, deep feelings question.
ANA:     Ooooh, I'm really not good with deep feeling questions about myself, but hey, let's see how it goes.  Just don't get offended if I joke it off.  It's kind of my thing.
(she laughs)
ME:     Great, I'll try to make this as painless as I can then.  First question, this is an easy one.  What is your major?
ANA:   Ok, yeah, this is an easy one.  I'm majoring in Human Development and Family Science.  I want to eventually get my Ph.D. to become a child psychologist.
ME:     That's a very noble career choice.  How did you choose it?
ANA:    Actually, I think I've been training for this my entire life.  I love children and have worked with the youth in my church since I was 14 years old.  I took a mission trip to Guatemala when I was 16 and I was in charge of helping with the children.  More often than not, I had a child on my lap asking for advice and telling me about their lives.  It was then I knew I wanted to help children in one way or another.  Who knows, I might become a Missionary Child Psychologist. 
ME:     What an amazing story.  Is your brother Brian going for the same major?
ANA:     No, absolutely not.  He is more of an athlete than a "let's talk about how you feel" kind of guy.  His major is Education.  He wants to teach History at a college or university and, of course, coach.  He loves football and history.  Always has from the first time dad put a football in his hands at age 3.  We took a trip to DC when we were 10 with our school and the history just captured him.  He had his major set in stone since then.
ME:     That's actually a pretty inspiring story as well.  It seems like you are really busy, do you have any spare time?  If so, what do you do?
ANA:    I do have some spare time.  Mostly I hang out with my brother and my friends.  But when I'm not with them, I read.  I love all kinds of books, I don't just read a specific genre.  I like to explore different story lines.  It's just something about whisking away to a made up world.
ME:     Oh, yes.  I know exactly how you feel.  Reading is a great way to unwind.
ANA:    Exactly!
ME:      Here's a good one: What do you like best about yourself?  Least?
ANA:     Physically-I love the fact that my whole family has the same eye color, hazel.  Least-this tangle of curls all over my head.  Taming the beast takes forever!  Personality wise-the best and least are actually the same.  Weird I know.  I tend to joke off awkward situations which actually makes people sometimes think I'm not a serious person.  It's difficult when I really am being serious and they take me as joking around.
ME:     I love your curls!  My wavy hair makes it almost impossible to just jump up, run a brush through my hair and get out the door.  Ok, describe yourself in 5 words.
ANA:   5 words, hmmmmm.  That's tough.  Let me see-logical, clumsy, definitely clumsy.  Joking like I said a minute ago.  Caring and big hearted.  Is that technically 6 words?
ME:    (I laugh)  I'll let it slide.  2 more questions.  Describe your first love.
ANA:   My first love was puppy love.  I remember it like it was just yesterday.  My family owns a lake house that we go to every summer.  It's like a summer community mainly.  Some houses are rented out weekly, so those families we only see once or twice, depending if they come back.  I was 8 years old and 3 houses down was one of those houses.  A family of 5 rented it one week.  A mom, dad, 2 boys and 1 girl.  The girl was mine and Brian's age.  One boy was 5 but the other boy was 10.  His name was Brent.  Oh Brent.  (she looks far off for a second)  Sorry.  (she giggles)  It was puppy love at first sight for both of us.  We spent the entire week together.  Their last night was the 4th of July.  We all went down to the local park to watch the fireworks.  When the grand finale was shooting up into the sky, my heart was exploding.  He gave me my first peck on the lips.  So romantic.  We exchanged numbers and email addresses.  We kept in touch for a few months then life got in the way.  I wonder what Brent is doing now.
ME:    Well, Social Media could help in finding him.
ANA:  That's a thought.
ME:   Ok, final question.  So this is the personal deep feelings one.  How did you know when you first started having feelings for Caleb?
ANA:   Talk about personal.
ME:    If you don't feel comfortable answering, I completely understand.
ANA:   No, that's ok.  I was joking, told ya.  It was the first day of Freshman year in High School.  His family had left for vacation for a month before school started.  So the first day of school was the first time I'd seen him since he left for vacation.  He had totally changed.  He wasn't the sweet, brotherly kid that left.  He had grown into more of a man.  He had filled out and had the manly look.  He also had shot up at least 4 inches, towering over me.  Don't get me wrong, it wasn't just his looks.  He'd always been this really sweet guy and I cared for him before but not like a relationship caring.  I suppose I never thought of him as anything else than my brothers best friend.  But that day, I saw him as much more. So his normal sweetness and thoughtfulness just made me like him more and more.
ME:    I promised only one deep feelings question.  So I won't ask what I know others are really wanting to know.
ANA:   What is that?  It's ok.
ME:    Are you going to eventually do something about your feelings for him?
ANA:   To be honest, I don't know that answer myself.  I guess time will only tell.
ME:    Ugh, a cliffhanger.  Well, I suppose we will have to follow your story to find out.
ANA:   Yep!  (She grins)
That concludes the character interview with Ana Daniels.  Check back for other Character Interviews.  Hope you enjoyed! 

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