The creative part is done....Now the work begins!
Whoever said writing was easy was right (to me, anyway~wink~). But the editing part and everything else that goes along with that's where it gets hairy!
Sitting for hours in front of a computer screen, checking if every word is spelled corektly correctly. A word is used properly and a phrase isn't overused....bleh!! "But I wanted to do it myself" I said, determined! Yeah, that was before I realized how much of a headache it was going to be. Literally!!! I had a headache all day yesterday! 3 cups of a coffee, a coke, and an energy drink didn't even help!
I must press towards the mark, keep on keeping on, finish what I have started, so on and so on. With those mantras running through my head (and me chanting to myself every now and then "you can do it!"), the editing won't do me in, leaving me whimpering on the floor!
So I say all that to say, Editing is for the birds! I'm so ready to get back to the part I love... writing!! Because my characters are fighting to get out of my imagination and go on to the sequel of their story.
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